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Enfin Atelier

Throughout the paths I've taken in my life, whether through visual arts, teaching or pottery, the common thread remains exploration. From illustration-like drawings to meticulously placed, delicate motifs, a real desire to create a balance between the everyday and the visual is asserted. Earth allows me to anchor myself in a constantly evolving artistic process.

With a bachelor's degree in visual and media arts, I have explored the complexity of the image that renders the real through painting and drawing. I've always felt that nothing represents the world more than one's own vision. However, being more into two-dimensional representation, my aesthetic had to adapt to the earth. That is to say, the shapes of my pieces were supports so that I could intervene on them, whereas now it's the shapes that guide me artistically. This change in thinking reconnects me directly with the material and creates a uniqueness in my work.

This humble profession, filled with craftspeople who share their knowledge, keeps me curious and in constant artistic evolution.

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